Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Take pART" sharing a love of glass working with local kids

"Take pART"  


"Creativity is Contagious, pass it on" Albert Einstein

Fusionglass Co's traveling glass class is ready to launch.

Donate ART & CRAFTS supplies and tools you are not using or have outgrown & you'll be helping us get our "Take pART" program into local schools.

The program was developed in direct response to the many conversations we've had with teachers when they visit the Fusionglass Co. gallery. They often mention how much the kids love our classes, and lament the fact that there is little or no money for field trips to allow more kids to experience the joy of creating with this wonderful medium.

We decided to look for a way that would allow us to bring the experience of glassworking right into the classrooms. After some research and playing around with different ways of transporting the projects, we have found something that works beautifully.

We'll be offering reduced price classes to local schools,
Girl and Boy Scouts and Chruch groups,
and bringing everything they need right into the classroom.

Our event on September 14th 2013, from noon to 6pm.
Will give people the opportunity to go through their closets
and move those old supplies they keep meaning to use or just don't need anymore. ,
and bring home treasures instead! & We'll be keeping most items to just $1.00!
With a $2.00 charge at the door. Unless you've donated something.

If you'd like to donate something:

Please Drop off donations before Sept 13th

at the Fusionglass Co. Gallery & Studio
in La Mesa, any Monday to Saturday
between the hours of 10am and 6pm 

or at Bernardo Winery
on Friday September 13th 
at the Fusionglass Co booth. 
Paul will be there between the hours of 1pm and 8pm. 
And he’ll have a special discount for anyone donating an item.

Or call the gallery at 619-461-4440 to make special arrangements.
We can even arrange to have something picked up.

Drawing, Painting, Clay, Pottery, Knitting, weaving, collage items, sewing, photography, mosaics, jewelry making, beading, fabric arts, stain glass, and any other hobby you can think of

SATURDAY September 14th 

we will open our doors from noon to 6pm for the special sale.

So come early & bring friends! 

We love seeing the result of working directly with kids, their huge smiles when they see a completed project is enough to make your heart sing! They are developing a love and appreciation of art and the art of creating and experience the artistic process. We are constantly amazed by their resourcefulness and ability to understand concepts.

Here are a couple of letter we received from kids after taking a FGC class.
please notice the "your best friend" sign off!... 

and this one absolutely broke my heart... you can be sure we made a special date for this little guy.
He did indeed get to come and make his piece of the project!

I want to thank Mary Moreau and Tamara Fogg of  for their excitement and encouragement for this project.

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